TTSE SME Market Mentorship Programme

The Trinidad and Tobago Stock Exchange (TTSE) SME Market Mentorship Programme is designed to provide potential issuers through a comprehensive programme that covers the key themes necessary to position a company to list on the TTSE. Industry professionals, who strategically develop their competencies, mentoring directly and contributing to the companies’ growth, innovation, and overall strategy, administer the Programme. It is geared to improve customer and investor confidence in the listed companies. The SME Market Mentorship Programme demonstrates the willingness of the TTSE to invest the time and resources necessary to assist companies to operate in an efficient manner on the stock market.

As part of its SME Market, the TTSE’s Mentorship Programme aims to provide SMEs with the guidance required to successfully transition and grow its business, whilst practicing good corporate governance.

Frequently Asked Questions

This document provides responses to some frequently ask questions relating to the TTSE Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) Mentorship rules.  Additional information on the TTSE SME Mentorship are available at SME Resource Center on the TTSE website (

Yes. Unless the TTSE agrees otherwise, an Eligible SME shall, prior to initial admission to the TTSE SME Market, engage the services of an Approved Mentor and Appointed Mentor.

An Approved Mentor is a person approved by the TTSE to perform the functions and responsibilities of a Mentor in accordance with the TTSE SME Mentorship Rules. This individual is included in the TTSE’s list of Approved Mentors.

An Appointed Mentor is a person appointed by an SME to perform the functions and responsibilities of a Mentor in accordance with the TTSE SME Mentorship Rules having entered into an appropriate Mentorship Agreement with the SME. An Appointed Mentor must be an Approved Mentor.

At a minimum, a Mentor must:

  1. Hold a valid Fit and Proper Certificate or Letter of No Objection issued by a local or foreign financial regulator; or
  2. Assessed as Fit and Proper by the TTSE.

Further details are outlined in the TTSE SME Market Rules.

Yes.  An Entity can be a Mentor to an SME provided that  a Senior Officer within the Entity is appointed to act as an Appointed Mentor who shall at a minimum hold a valid Fit and Proper Certificate or Letter of No Objection issued by a local or foreign financial regulator or Assessed as Fit and Proper by the TTSE .

An Approved Mentor may act simultaneously as an Appointed Mentor for up to two (2) SMEs.

A list of the Approved Mentors can be obtained on the TTSE’s website (

The SME should engage the services of an Appointed Mentor for a period of no less than five (5) years.

An Independent Director may be appointed to act as an Appointed Mentor only after an initial period of no less than three (3) years.

The decision to remunerate the Appointed Mentor shall be between the SME and the Appointed Mentor.

Yes. Prior to listing on the SME Market, the Appointed Mentor and the SME shall enter into an Agreement. The TTSE will provide the SME with a Mentorship Agreement template.

The Appointed Mentor’s functions and responsibilities shall be performed in compliance with, but not limited to, the Securities Act Chap 83:02, the Companies Act Chap 81:01, the TTSE Listing Rules, The Trinidad and Tobago Central Depository (TTCD) Rules and general industry standards with respect to corporate governance, financial reporting and disclosure of material information.

Yes. An Appointed Mentor is required to submit a Fit and Proper Certificate or Letter of No Objection and a certified copy of a Certificate of Character to the TTSE within five (5) business days of the third anniversary of their appointment to maintain their approved status. The submission of the said required documentation will be subject to evaluation and thereafter a decision will be made on the renewal of the Approved Mentor who, shall then be notified accordingly of such decision.

Yes. The Appointed Mentor can trade shares of the SME.

Yes. The Appointed Mentor must advise the SME if he/she or any person associated with him/her has executed any trades in the SME within five (5) business days of the transaction.

For further information, please visit the TTSE SME Market Mentorship Programme website: : 

TTSE SME Mentorship Form

Or contact TTSE via e-mail at